Sunday, August 24, 2008


60 years of political freedom didn't bring India to the intended edifice. Though 'they' went, the minds were still under colonial aura. The major cogs in the machine have been forgotten and the whole success is attributed to the Gandhi and Nehruvian offshoots. In that junction of confusion some very deceptive political thoughtprocess has crept in. Poeple who never deviated an inch from the flow set by the British, became the political icons for aspiring India. Constitution written(!) especially became an instrument in the foxes to game the system around it. And a massive portion of the own country has been given free to our brothers, who tilldate want more and more.

The same offshoots have rooted here for past 3 generations with tentacles to grab power and to subvert the whole nation with especially controlled media and evoking sensitive issues of religion.

We still walk peacefully, if the thugs try to derange the Hindu Dharma. Even if thousands of brothers and sisteres have been blasted alive... we still take a slow breath and open nothing for the whole network.

We still silently bear the media. We bear Thapar, We bear Rajdeep, We bear the sorry Sagarika and Bhurka. We bear the false journalism. We bear the biased political manupulations.

But what you can do is speak aloud the trush. Because if you don't speak out the truth- a lie told thousand times makes it's own way to be truth.

Jai Hind,

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